Registration for the Clinical Research Institute Volunteer Panel
We, Showa University Clinical Research Institute for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CRI), provide the proper knowledge on clinical studies to the general public. We are now recruiting volunteers who can participate in the clinical studies (clinical trials) conducted by CRI.
From the registration for the CRI Volunteer Panel to the entry to clinical study
【1】 Provisional registration for the Clinical Research Institute Volunteer Panel from this website
If you complete the provisional registration, e-mail will be sent to your registered address whenever the clinical study (clinical trial) is conducted, which informs you of the details of the study.
【2】 Sending notification on clinical study (clinical trial) and briefing session
Based on the registered information, brief outline of the clinical study (clinical trial) and the schedule of the briefing session will be notified via e-mail.
【3】 Holding of an orientation session for formal registration on Clinical Research Institute Volunteer Panel and a briefing on clinical study (clinical trial) ※1
We ask you to participate in the orientation session so that you can gain appropriate knowledge as a Clinical Research Institute volunteer. If you agree to register officially for the Clinical Research Institute Volunteer Panel, you are asked to take part in the briefing on the clinical study (clinical trial).
【4】Consent to enroll in clinical study (clinical trial) ※2
The applicants who understand the details of the clinical study (clinical trial) and agree to participate in such study (trial) are asked to sign the consent form.
【5】Screening test/examination by doctor ※3
Screening test/doctor’s examination will be conducted in order to determine the applicant’s eligibility to participate in the clinical study (clinical trial).
【6】Result of screening
In about one week’s time, we will notify you of whether or not you are fit to participate in the clinical study (clinical trial) by either postal mail or e-mail. We will notify you of which of the following matches you; “participant”, “alternate participant” or “not fit to participate”. The number of people who are invited to briefing session is actually more than the number of participants that the clinical study requires. Therefore, “participants” and “alternate participants” will be decided by the order of the screening results. Even the applicant is excluded from the particular trial, he/she has no significant medical problem in many cases, and may fit to participate in another clinical study (trial). Therefore, we will still send you information on other clinical studies (trials) from time to time.
【7】 If you are determined to be a “participant” or an “alternate participant”;
You will be contacted by our staff about the schedule to be admitted to/discharged from the hospital, what to bring and instructions to be followed before hospitalization.
【8】Enrollment in a clinical study (clinical trial)
<The items ※1 to ※3 may take place on the same day.>
Registration requirement for Clinical Research Institute Volunteer Panel
We impose registration requirements for subjects so that the clinical studies (clinical trials) can be conducted safely while enabling us to obtain accurate drug information. Please check whether you meet the following entry requirements before you register from this website.
- Those who are over 20 years old
- Those who have a BMI of 18.5 or more
- Those who can participate in an orientation session for the formal registration on Clinical Research Institute Volunteer Panel and briefing on clinical study (clinical trial) organized by the Office of Clinical Research Institute Volunteer Panel
- Those who agree with our privacy policy
Registration for the Clinical Research Center Volunteer
Please complete the form below if you are going to register as a Clinical Research Institute Volunteer.