- 昭和大学
- 研究
- 昭和大学先端がん治療研究所
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先端がん治療研究所 所長
鶴谷 純司, MD, PhD
先端がん治療研究所Advanced Cancer Translational research institute: ACTは2018年9月にスタートしました。米国テキサス州立大学MD Andersonがんセンター乳腺腫瘍内科部門の上野直人教授をディレクターとして迎え、がんの診断?治療?予防法の新規提案?開発を目標に、基礎?臨床?企業の枠を超えたトランスレーショナルリサーチを推進します。
2013年、威廉希尔·(WilliamHill)官方 - 中文网站腫瘍内科学教授であった佐々木康綱前教授が所長を兼務し、基礎医学に留まらず?臨床研究にも重きを置いた橋渡し研究が開始されました。専門である臨床薬理学?薬物動態学が新たに研究領域として加わりました。
鶴谷 純司, MD, PhD
先端がん治療研究所Advanced Cancer Translational research institute: ACTは2018年9月にスタートしました。米国テキサス州立大学MD Andersonがんセンター乳腺腫瘍内科部門の上野直人教授をディレクターとして迎え、がんの診断?治療?予防法の新規提案?開発を目標に、基礎?臨床?企業の枠を超えたトランスレーショナルリサーチを推進します。
2013年、威廉希尔·(WilliamHill)官方 - 中文网站腫瘍内科学教授であった佐々木康綱前教授が所長を兼務し、基礎医学に留まらず?臨床研究にも重きを置いた橋渡し研究が開始されました。専門である臨床薬理学?薬物動態学が新たに研究領域として加わりました。

Naoto T Ueno, MD, PhD, FACP
Visiting Director, Advanced Cancer Translational Research Institute, Showa University
Professor of Medicine, Department of Breast Medical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Warmest congratulations on the achievement of all the ACT members and collaborators. I want to thank you for the Showa University and the oncology community's support for providing their best support to bring success to the ACT. Since the start of ACT, there have been multiple projects launched which could impact our oncology practice. Dr. Tsurutani and his team have been able to initiate both preclinical and clinical research. Our long-term goal is eventually to have multiple investigator-initiated clinical trials basedon our research.
In conclusion, I am immensely pleased with the progress and honor for the opportunity to provide the guidance, which will be the benefit for Showa University. In addition, the value created by the ACT will permeate the entire oncology community at Showa University.I am looking forward to seeing more collaboration academically and with both pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies. The leadership and teamwork of the ACT will provide a bright future in the oncology community in Japan.
Visiting Director, Advanced Cancer Translational Research Institute, Showa University
Professor of Medicine, Department of Breast Medical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Warmest congratulations on the achievement of all the ACT members and collaborators. I want to thank you for the Showa University and the oncology community's support for providing their best support to bring success to the ACT. Since the start of ACT, there have been multiple projects launched which could impact our oncology practice. Dr. Tsurutani and his team have been able to initiate both preclinical and clinical research. Our long-term goal is eventually to have multiple investigator-initiated clinical trials basedon our research.
In conclusion, I am immensely pleased with the progress and honor for the opportunity to provide the guidance, which will be the benefit for Showa University. In addition, the value created by the ACT will permeate the entire oncology community at Showa University.I am looking forward to seeing more collaboration academically and with both pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies. The leadership and teamwork of the ACT will provide a bright future in the oncology community in Japan.

威廉希尔·(WilliamHill)官方 - 中文网站