- Education
- School of Pharmacy
- School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy

1.Education taking advantage of the characteristics of a comprehensive medical university.
1) Exchange with other schools in health care

All 1st year students of the four schools including medicine, dentistry and nursing and rehabilitation sciences stay in a dormitory at the Fujiyoshida Campus. Daily living itself is an education in communication, which is the basis of team medical care. From the 2nd year, pharmacy students study together with medical and dental students at the Hatanodai Campus, which has clinical facilities. Also, many physicians and pharmacists of the university hospital are involved in lectures and clinical practice, culminating in clinically-orientated learning.
2) Variety of experiences and practice at the university hospital
Early exposure at hospitals, pharmacies, welfare and government offices, and research facilities is provided to 1st-year students to enhance their motivation to advance as a healthcare provider. Also, the 'nursing practice' and 'university hospital pharmacy practice' in the 2nd year, and the 'hospital practice' in the 3rd year widen the students' view as a healthcare provider, exposing them to actual medical care at the university hospital from the viewpoint of nurses and pharmacists. The 'pharmacy and hospital practice' in the 4th year is a four-week period of training of pharmacists' actual operation inside and outside the university to acquire the skills and attitudes of a medical professional. Through such a variety of experiences each year, students learn team medical care step-by-step and advance as a healthcare provider who meets the needs of society and patients.
2. Introduction of integrated learning and small group discussion

An integrated curriculum, which combines a wide range of subjects in the model core curriculum, such as basic pharmaceutical sciences, pathophysiology, drug therapy, and pharmacy as an occupation, is currently being adopted. The purpose of this change is to develop practitioners who are capable of managing various patient issues, and for providing adequate pharmacotherapy. In small groups, students visit local pharmacies in the 1st year 'Community pharmacy’ course; various pharmaceutic issues are freely discussed in the 2nd year 'as a staff of medical team' course; and pathophysiology, pathology, clinical findings, pharmaceutical therapy and pharmacological effects of diseases are systematically studied and problem-based learning is carried out with cases in the 2nd-3rd year 'drug and disease' courses.