- Education
- School of Medicine
- Introduction of courses, sections
Introduction of courses, sections
Department of Anatomy
Department of Anatomy
The Department of Anatomy consists of two sub-divisions, Macroscopic and Microscopic Anatomy, which collaborate with each other to provide anatomy education for medical students. Our Department of Microscopic Anatomy mainly covers the histology of all organs. We provide lectures and histological practice for medical students and post-graduate students. Our research projects include anatomical and pathological analysis of kidney and vascular diseases and neuroscience. We are interested in the pathogenesis of various glomerulonephritis, metabolic or hereditary nephropathy, rejection in organ transplantation and ischemic or mechanical brain injury and its regeneration. We perform electron microscopic investigations, laser microdissection and mass spectrometric analysis of pathological specimens, molecular biological analysis, cell culture and animal model experiments for various human diseases. We accept postdoctoral research fellows who are interested in kidney and vascular diseases from any country.Department of Anatomy
Undergraduate education
Regarding medical education, the Department of Anatomy mainly gives lectures on anatomy and gross anatomy in the laboratory course. The gross anatomy course includes dissection of donated cadavers with consent from the family. Medical students dissect a whole cadaver, which we believe is crucial for them to acquire knowledge. Students also study the ethics required by medical doctors. After completing the course, all students participate in the ceremony and return the bones to the donor families. This is a culture unique to Japan.Graduate school education
The graduate school mainly involves lectures and the laboratory course on gross anatomy. Regarding research for doctoral degrees, graduate school students can choose their own theme.Laboratory research
We have various research themes, including: “Immunohistological studies and genetic analysis of human, mouse and rat tissues,” “Pathological analysis of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease,” “Studying and developing new surgical operations directly linked to clinical practice,” and “Image analysis research, medical education using computer networks, and research on methods and development of teaching materials.”Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
The Department of Pathology and Clinical Laboratories has two divisions: the Diagnostic Pathology Division and the Clinical Laboratory Division. Pathologists diagnose all kinds of disease based on examinations of a tissue sample taken from the patient’s tumor, a sample taken from a lymph node, and so on. If cancer is diagnosed, the pathologist’s report will provide specific information about the characteristics of the cancer cells, which helps the clinician recommend the best treatment option for the patient. The faculty of our clinical laboratory work closely with medical technologists to support the full spectrum of clinical services offered by the many laboratories within the division.The Department of Pathology provides a graduate course for future pathologists to train the necessary skills and knowledge of anatomical pathology and develop the abilities for medical research.
Current research projects being carried out are: 1) Cancer research (histopathology, carcinogenesis, evaluation of newer agents, prognostic factors, etc.) for lymphoma, leukemia, colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer, 2) Heart disease including arrhythmia, coronary vascular disease and cardiomyopathy, and 3) Neoplastic and non-neoplastic skin disease.
Job opportunities: Postdoc positions are available.
Department of Pharmacology
Division of Medical Pharmacology
Following the philosophy of Showa University, the Department of Pharmacology, the Division of Medical Pharmacology aims for education and research that always consider patient-centered medical care and clinical feedback.In terms of education, we provide pharmacology practical training and systematic lectures with the aim of developing team medical professionals who can actively practice drug treatment based on scientific understanding and evidence.
In terms of research, we conduct the following research in collaboration with clinical departments of the Showa University Hospital, other departments in the Pharmacological Research Center, and many researchers outside Showa University:
- Neurotoxicity and pathophysiology of amyloid β protein in Alzheimer’s disease, and investigation of new therapeutic agents
- Analysis of the pharmacological action of anti-tumor drugs including molecular target drugs and development of new therapeutic strategies
- Elucidation of inflammation and tissue destruction mechanisms such as bone and joint diseases and examination of appropriate drug treatment
- Examination of the effects and safety of pharmacokinetics between drugs and mutual use between drugs and health foods/supplements
- Elucidation of osteoclasts and their regulation of differentiation, and involvement of intracellular calcium release channels in bone and neurological diseases
Division of Clinical Pharmacology
The Division of Clinical Pharmacology (Department of Pharmacology, Showa University School of Medicine) is conducting education and research on clinical pharmacology at Showa University Clinical Research Institute for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SCRI).In addition to conducting early clinical development for medicine including phase 1 trials and First In Human trials, we are also performing many clinical trials led by medical doctors and other clinical researchers in our University.
For the practice of EBM (Evidenced Based Medicine) and the improvement of medicine, it is always important to create new evidence. In medicine, conducting clinical trials are essential to the work of producing evidence and to update the evidences. In our division, we conduct clinical research that leads to the dispatch of evidence across the frame of a department and faculty in our University and even beyond the university energetically.
We would like to make our division where young researchers who are interested in clinical pharmacology and who are willing to study clinical research and drug development in order to contribute to the improvement of medical care.
Department of Hygiene, Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Unlike clinical medicine, which is centered around the treatment of diseases, the fields of hygiene and public health focus on the prevention of diseases and aim to maintain and improve health. Therefore, in these fields, health is the main research theme and experimental and epidemiological methods are used to solve various challenges in preventive medicine and health sciences.Education
Our department is mainly responsible for lectures in environmental health, public health, and clinical epidemiology, and runs the training course “Seminar in Public Health” in the School of Medicine. At the graduate level, the department is in charge of lectures on the statistical analysis of medical and biological data.
The staff members of this department are conducting research in the field of environmental medicine on the effects of hazardous substances in the environment, the effects of microparticles in the atmosphere, and the effects of endocrine-disrupters on health. Furthermore, epidemiological research is being conducted on childhood obesity and disease prevention among workers, and molecular epidemiological research is investigating the polymorphism of longevity-associated mitochondrial DNA.
Acceptance of students from overseas
Unfortunately, this department is not currently accepting students from overseas.
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
The Department of Microbiology & Immunology at Showa University School of Medicine covers bacteriology, virology, parasitology and immunology.Undergraduate education
Our undergraduate education program includes immunology, general microbiology, virology, parasitology, microbial genetics, and epidemiology.Research programs
The laboratory investigates three major research areas. The first program researches the mechanism of reactivation of latently infected cytomegalovirus (CMV). The laboratory recently discovered that short-chain fatty acid derived from intestinal microbiota might play a crucial role in CMV reactivation. The second program researches mucosal immunology including analysis of the role of microbiota in the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The third program studies the role of NKT cells in viral infection; the laboratory recently revealed that NKT cells play an essential role in murine norovirus infection.Foreign PhD candidates and postdoctoral research fellows
The laboratory welcomes foreign PhD candidates and postdoctoral research fellows.Department of Medical Education

My name is Miki Izumi and I have been overseeing the Department of Medical Education at Showa University School of Medicine since October 2018.
The School of Medicine offers education based on a model core curriculum including early clinical practical training, community-based medicine during the third and fifth year, and clinical training starting from the second half of the fourth year. Leveraging its strengths as a general medical University (composed of the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences), all first-year students from all departments live in a dormitory (in Fujiyoshida City) and receive unique education in the form of continuous team medical education (multidisciplinary education) throughout the six years of medical school. This includes problem-based learning (PBL) and practical ward training. The clinical training that is conducted at the eight hospitals affiliated with Showa University allows students to experience treating a diverse range of diseases, while offering high quality education education by tapping into rich resources of the different medical facilities.
Students and faculty members to teach them are the stars of education. Our mission, as medical educators, is to fully support better education with the cooperation of students and faculty members, resulting in increased educational ability of the organization as a whole, so that we can send off excellent physicians into the world. It is moving to see, over the course of 6 years, how our program turns young men and women, who have just graduated from high school, into capable physicians. As education is a long-term process, we hope to continue with our activities with continuous adaptation to changing needs and resources.
We always accept international student. And I look forward to your support and encouragement in the years to come.
Department of Medicine
Division of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology
The Department of Medicine, Division of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology provides a wide range of medical care for diabetes and endocrine disease.Our medical team is composed of many specialists who deal with both out- and in-patients with various kinds of metabolic and endocrinological disorders, such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome. We can evaluate glycemic and lipid parameters, blood pressure, and several types of complications in a wide range of patients in the field of endocrinology and metabolism using state-of-the-art technology and provide both educational and modern medical care for them.
Our division has become a certified educational facility of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (JSIM), the Japan Diabetes Society (JDS), the Japan Endocrine Society (JES), and the Japan Geriatrics Society (JGS). Therefore, after completing intensive medical training at our division, applicants can take an examination to become a licensed doctor certified by the JSIM, JDS, JES, and JGS.Research
Our research focuses on identifying new biomarkers and therapeutic strategies for diabetes and its associated complications, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and cancer growth and metastasis.Division of Gastroenterology
At our department, every doctor constantly acquires the latest knowledge and cutting-edge clinical skills in order to provide optimum treatment for patients with compassion and sincerity.We provide general medical care in the field of gastroenterology, which is subdivided into the alimentary tract, hepatology, gallbladder, and pancreatology. Furthermore, each doctor trains in a specialty to develop evidence-based practical knowledge to help patients with complex and difficult pathogenesis. As a result, we have many medical specialists who are certified by several leading medical institutes. Advanced basic and clinical researches are conducted with the informed consent of patients to contribute to the development of current medical skills, and thus we have received various public and private medical research grants. Furthermore, we publish many papers in peer-reviewed journals each year. We also accept medical students and residents from foreign countries as well as Japanese doctors.
We welcome patients introduced by other medical institutions and strive to provide safe medical treatment.
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine (Prof. Toshiro Shinke)We provide clinical services to more than 2,000 in-patients and 3,000 out-patients annually at Showa University Hospital. We deliver compassionate, cutting-edge preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic services to our patients with cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. We are able to provide emergency cardiac catheterization in our coronary care unit (CCU) 24/7. In 2018, approximately 1,500 cardiac catheterizations and 550 percutaneous coronary interventions (angioplasties) were performed in our facility. We actively treat a wide range of cardiovascular medical conditions including arrythmia, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, valvular disease, primary and secondary hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, adult congenital heart disease, peripheral artery disease, cardiovascular imaging, cardiac rehabilitation and sleep disorders. Our division is one of the pre-eminent facilities for cardiovascular medicine in Japan.
We are actively conducting the following research in the basic, clinical, and translational sciences:
(1) Clinical and experimental studies on ischemic heart disease, with special reference to acute coronary syndrome
(2) Clinical and translational studies of invasive and non-invasive cardiovascular imaging, including optical coherence tomography, intravascular ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography
(3) Molecular research on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
(4) Studies on pathogenesis and therapies for heart failure and valvular disease
(5) Comprehensive research for identifying novel coronary risk factors and biomarkers
(6) Clinical research on peripheral artery disease (limb ischemia)
(7) Studies on prediction and therapy for lethal arrhythmia, ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia
(8) Clinical and translational research on cardiac resynchronizing therapy
Our division accepts international students and overseas postdoctoral fellows.E-mail: shinke@med.showa-u.ac.jp
Website: https://showa-cardiology.jp/
Division of Nephrology
Primary concept of the Division of Nephrology is to foster good clinicians as not only specialist of nephrology but also generalist based on the wholeheartedness spilt of “Shisei-Ikkan” as being the founding spirit.The Division of Nephrology is managing patients suffering from the kidney disease from initial stage to end-stage including introduction of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, and post-dialysis state. In addition, we manage the patient with pre- and post-kidney transplantation, and complications that related to the kidney disease.
Our division has performed basic science and clinical research based on benchside and translational research. Major research theme is shown below;
- Basic study for mechanisms of progression of kidney disease (glomerular disease, interstitial nephritis and fibrosis and acute kidney injury)
- Clinicopathological study for association of treatment of glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome with renal survival
- Basic and clinical study for complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) such as atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, CKD- mineral bone disorder, nutritional abnormality, and lipid abnormality.
- Clinicopathological study for epigenetics in CKD
The Division of Nephrology has 15-20 clinical staff and 3-5 postgraduate students. The Division of Nephrology published each year 10-15 original papers and 15 abstracts for international meeting.
Division of Neurology
Our department consists of about 50 neurologists across four related hospitals. We conduct basic and clinical research along with general medical care for patients.We focus on the medical treatment of stroke and dementia, providing 24/7 medical care such as intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and endovascular treatment against ultra-acute ischemic stroke, in cooperation with neurologists and neurosurgeons. We have set up a memory outpatient clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of dementia. To ensure an accurate diagnosis, we combine several examinations such as neuroimaging, cerebrospinal fluid biomarker measurement, blood genetic testing and psychological examination. In addition to clinical research, we also conduct basic research on amyloid-β protein for example, in cooperation with the Department of Pharmacology.
Division of Medical Oncology
Our department specializes in chemotherapy for cancer patients and provides the best treatment for each patient through teamwork among surgeons, radiation oncologists, and palliative care doctors. The types of cancer we treat include gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, gynecological cancer, urological cancer, melanoma, sarcoma, germ cell tumor, cancer of unknown primary cause, and so on. We also actively participate in clinical trials of new drugs. Regarding medical education, we accept medical students and fellows who are interested in or aim to become medical oncologists and teach them essential knowledge about oncology. We continuously accept international students and fellows. In terms of research, our department specializes in the field of immuno-oncology, mainly researching biomarkers of efficacy and toxicity for immuno-check inhibitors.Division of Palliative Medicine
In palliative medicine at Showa University Hospital and its related hospitals, we work closely with each hospital utilizing their respective strengths to improve the quality of palliative medicine as a whole.We place priority on the relief of physical pain, given its close relationship to mental relief. In order to relieve pain, we actively incorporate not only drug therapy such as opioids but also nerve block therapy.
In order to share and process information such as the patient’s condition, we work as a team of doctors and nurses who address social and mental distress. We also work with pharmacists and clinical psychologists.
As a university palliative medicine department, both clinical and educational research are promoted simultaneously, and research on scientific means of palliative medicine is promoted in cooperation with basic medicine.
Division of Clinical Infectious Diseases
The Division of Clinical Infectious Diseases, Showa University, was established in 2007. In April 2017, we were promoted to become a regular division of the Department of Medicine. In recent years, infectious diseases have attracted social attention because of nosocomial infections, emerging infectious diseases, and antimicrobial resistance. There is a need for specialists who are dedicated to these various infectious diseases and researchers who are actively engaged in basic and clinical research, and our division meets this demand.Clinical: Our division diagnoses and treats a wide range of infectious diseases, from common diseases to specialized diseases, and from acute to chronic, including bacteremia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. We closely collaborate in medical care with other fields, such as collagen diseases, malignancies, and serious infectious diseases in critical care setting. In addition to various activities related to nosocomial infection control, we provide consultations on severe refractory infections. We also provide consultations from outside the hospital.
Education: Our educational policy is to value the bedside first based on a medical foundation. Based on pathological diagnostics and imaging diagnostics, we aim to educate medical staff and doctors who have the analytical ability to understand the pathology and the ability to practice appropriate medical treatment from social and ethical aspects. We accept medical students, interns and researchers from Japan and overseas.
Research: In collaboration with the Department of Pharmacy, Hospital Infection Control Team, Clinical Laboratory, and Clinical Pharmacy, we conduct various clinical studies. The main research themes are as follows:
1) Development of efficient methods for the Antibacterial Stewardship Program, 2) Analysis of the pathogenicity of Hemophilus influenzae, 3) Analysis of risk factors for Clostridioides difficile infection and epidemiology, 4) Development of new diagnostic methods for fungal infections, and 5) Development of new antibacterial drugs, including clinical trials.
Department of Surgery
Division of Chest Surgery
Our department provides effective medical treatment by surgical operations and a physician in charge of medical treatment. Surgical operations include those for primary lung cancer, metastatic lung tumor, spontaneous pneumothorax, and mediastinal tumor, which are tending to increase. We are in charge of respiratory and circulation management in the intensive care unit (ICU) and the high care unit (HCU) after surgical operations.
Pre- and post-operative respiratory rehabilitation may prevent pneumonia and other post-operative complications and enable early discharge from the hospital.
We respect team medical care, and strive to attain the best medical treatment for each patient through careful communication and cooperation among anesthesiologists, pulmonologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, and other medical professionals.
In addition, we are in charge of the education of medical doctors and students. New knowledge and techniques are actively applied clinically. Many clinical research projects are ongoing alongside routine clinical activities.
Division of General and Gastroenterological Surgery
This department specializes in gastroenterological and general surgery including upper and lower digestive tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreatic, kidney transplantation, vascular access and abdominal wall surgery.Our endeavor is leadership in future health care provision by engaging in daily highest quality clinical practice, research and education.
Our fundamental philosophy is directed towards serving the patients and the staff members. Therefore, we continuously seek to create a friendly environment for patients and family members generating an atmosphere of confidence and peace of mind.
On the technical level, we strive to expand minimally invasive surgery to all fields of surgery. This minimally invasive strategy based on endoscopic surgery via laparoscopy or thoracoscopy enhances patient recovery by reducing the pain and stress of interventions with consequent higher patient satisfaction and experience.
The merits of advanced surgery can only be realized by well trained surgeons mastering advanced technical and non-technical skills. For that purpose, we established a continuous staff development program in alignment with hospital policy, entailing regular simulator training, animal lab training, surgical practice with operating videos, and the continuous mentorship and guidance by certified surgeons. In addition, our specialists training involves a rotation system in other specialized department fields to enhance skills and experience through the diversity of exposure.
Our surgical guidelines and clinical pathways are the result of intense staff involvement and collaboration. A substantial department goal is the continuous scientific contribution through research. Ultimately, our vision is to advance the surgical frontiers not only across Japan but also around the world.
Division of Pediatric Surgery
Just as there are surgery and internal medicine for adults, there are also surgery and internal medicine in pediatrics. Among them, pediatric surgery is in charge of surgery. With recent advances in medical technology, prenatal diagnosis has become possible and treatment can be performed from the fetal period. At Showa University Hospital, obstetrics (perinatal care), the neonatal department, and pediatric surgery perform team medical care that spans departmental boundaries in order to provide consistent neonatal care from the fetal to postnatal period. In addition, as a children’s medical center, pediatric surgery and pediatrics provide medical care that also emphasizes team medical care. Pediatric surgery aims to provide minimally invasive, well-tolerated treatment for all surgical diseases.Department of Neurosurgery
We worked exclusively on cerebral aneurysms, vascular diseases, and brain tumors. The annual total amount of the surgical operations performed in our four affiliated institutes surpasses 1,200 cases, which is prominent in Japan.With safe and secure surgical technique, we have been developing better surgical results as the professional neurosurgical team.
Thus, our research themes mainly focus on surgery of cerebral aneurysm, intravascular treatment, brain tumor surgery, and associated anatomical issues, etc.
We also corroborate with other medical and dental departments in our school group on basic research.
Our unique medical education system utilizing IT network system, and excellent surgical skills are renowned enough to accept numerous enthusiastic colleagues visiting from in and outside Japan.
Research theme (main doctor)
- Epidemiological research about unruptured cerebral aneurysms in cooperation with brain dock system (Dr.Mizutani)
- Surgical simulation assisted by the work station with fusion images (Dr.Mizutani)
- Research about the relation between oral bacteria and neurological diseases (Dr.Shimizu)
- Research about the safe and efficient suboccipital craniotomy (Dr.Shimizu)
- Research of medical image and application to three dimensional fusion image (Dr.Matsumoto)
- Nonlinear digital analysis of epileptic EEG (Dr.Sato)
- Research on the relationship between epilepsy pathology and EEG (Dr.Sato)
- Visualization of epileptogenic area using high density (256 channels) EEG (Dr.Sato)
- Indocyanine green intensity analysis to intraoperatively predict cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome following bypass surgery (Dr.sato)
- Intraoperative multimodal mixed reality(MR) for epilepsy surgery (Dr.Sato & Iizuka)
- Cohort study to investigate standard treatment outcome for patients with primary malignant brain tumor. (MG-Control Study) (Dr.Kobayashi)
- Genetic analysis of brain tumor and examination of drug sensitivity (Dr.Kobayashi)
- Effectiveness and future prospects of preoperative simulation by Mixed Reality technology (Dr.Iizuka)
Department of Ophthalmology

Ophthalmic trauma and cataract surgery are the main specialties of our department, and the number of orbital fracture surgeries and optic nerve tube openings is among the largest in Japan. We focus on introduction and surgical education. The medical staff of this department are rotating doctors among the four hospitals inHatanodaiof Showa University Hospital,FujigaokaHospital, Northern Yokohama, and KotoToyosuHospital, so that all medical staff can learn the medical areas of each hospital. Each hospital organizes regular ophthalmic research groups and medical consultation associations, and each person strives to improve their expertise and study on their own, by accumulating cases and giving research presentations.
Department of Dermatology

Our department diagnoses and treats all skin diseases. Particular fields of specialization include severe drug eruption, psoriasis, skin benign/malignant tumor surgery and laser treatment, skin lesions due to diabetes, fungal infections such as tinea pedis, and treatment of ingrown nails. In the outpatient setting, we manage a variety of skin conditions, including atopic dermatitis, acne vulgaris, and psoriasis, in addition to the use of phototherapy. Inpatient medical care is handled by a medical team of multiple doctors. We perform hospitalized treatments for a wide range of diseases, including: treatment of chickenpox, measles, shingles and other infections, eczema/dermatitis, drug eruption, skin cancer surgery and chemotherapy, introduction of biological treatment of psoriasis, VAC therapy for leg ulcers, and pemphigus/pemphigoid diseases.
Specialized fields include early diagnosis and intensive treatment of severe drug eruptions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), and drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS). Narrow-band UVB phototherapy for psoriasis, mycosis fungoides, etc. is implemented every day (Monday-Saturday) in parallel with normal outpatients following the introduction of a whole-body irradiation device in 2013 in addition to the conventional partial irradiation type device. Skin tumor surgery and skin biopsy are available every weekday Monday to Friday.
Specialized outpatient care include:
- Atopy clinic
- Acne clinic (peeling treatment, etc.)
- Outpatient psoriasis (external/internal/biological preparations, etc.)
- Laser outpatients (spots/warts etc.)
- refractory psoriasis
- intractable urticaria
Department of Urology
The need for urological care is increasing year by year, and the number of patients with prostate cancer and other urogenital malignancies is increasing significantly. Also, benign diseases handled by the urologist such as lower urinary tract symptoms including prostatic hypertrophy, neurogenic bladder, overactive bladder, female urology, urolithiasis, urinary tract infection, and male sexual dysfunction due the aging population have also been increasing. Our department tries to make treatment as minimally invasive as possible (such as robotic surgery), and applies the latest diagnostic methods and treatments for urogenital diseases. We treat all patients with the motto of “kind medical care.”We are also conducting basic research on gene therapy for prostate cancer and new tumor markers for urogenital cancers.
Department of Otorhinolayngology Head and Neck Surgery
Otorhinolaryngology includes otology, rhinology, pharyngology, laryngology, broncho-esophagology, and head and neck oncology. Furthermore, otorhinolaryngology has the sub-specialties of audiology, balanced neurology, speech and swallowing, smell and taste, facial paralysis, immunology/allergy, and rehabilitation. Otorhinolaryngology features various kinds of specialty outpatient clinics, each of which provides high-quality treatment and good opportunities for students to learn about otorhinolaryngology.The Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery offers various specialty outpatient clinics by our specialists, including allergy and sinonasal disorders, smell disorders, hearing/middle ear disorders, balance disorders, and speech and swallowing disorders. Furthermore, since 2014 our department has been working together with the Head and Neck Oncology Center to treat benign and malignant tumors.
Our department has several training programs for medical students, residents, and graduate students to enrich their clinical experience. Our staff teach them a wide range of knowledge of diseases, treatments, and surgeries in otorhinolaryngology. Our staff also offer special lectures. During the training period, students can attend specialty outpatient clinics and surgeries.Research
Previous research by our department focused on the following themes: hearing impairment, otitis media, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, swallowing disorders, and head and neck cancer.Department of Pediatrics
We provide healthcare services for physical and mental conditions from neonate to adolescence. We provide comprehensive medical care for children with acute and chronic diseases, such as allergic disease, neuromuscular disease, and infectious disease on the pediatric ward. We see patients with neurological impairments including seizures, motor dysfunction and intellectual disability and developmental delay.Regarding research, we are studying the molecular mechanisms of brain malformations, such as lissencephaly and polymicrogyria, and epilepsy or epileptic encephalopathy, such as Ohtahara syndrome and West syndrome, and so can perform cutting-edge gene analysis. We provide a high level of treatment for pediatric allergic disease, and our treatment of food allergy is among the best in Japan. We carry out some 2,000 oral food challenge tests annually, and also actively work on food oral immunotherapy. For patients with bronchial asthma, we are working on the administration of biologics, and for those with allergic rhinitis, we are working on sublingual immunotherapy. At the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), the neonatologist team provides extensive care for extremely premature infants and neonates with congenital diseases. We perform research on the importance of early neonatal nutrition for the prevention of NCDs.
Department of Radiology
Division of Radiation Oncology
This section is a department of radiation oncology. In recent years, the number of cancer patients are increasing due to the aging population. As one means of cancer treatment,demand for radiation therapy have been growing. The role of radiation therapy is to treat cancer itself or to ease symptoms caused by cancer, so that it can be used for various types of cancer.Radiation therapy is a highly effective treatment to maintain the patients’ quality of life as it targets tumors accurately while avoiding to harm healthy tissue. We treat cancer with highprecision technology using Linac and RALS.Also, we participate in multi-institutional clinical trials and are involved with the development of new standard treatment.